Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm growing up.

First post.  This seems both intimidating and invigorating all at once.  I guess I should explain what this blog is intended for.  It's easy, really: me.
Sure, others may read it... and, if especially crafty, one might even figure out who I am.  But my main purpose here is to have a place to jot my thoughts.  Having a blog gives me a colorful, fun place to store them... other than my own head, of course.
Why now?  That's the question I'm asking myself.  Here's the answer I've found: I'm growing up.  It's bound to happen - I'm in my mid-twenties - it probably should have happened earlier.  So much is changing, so much of my life seems like one giant growing pain.  But the joys that stir into those pains are unreachable any other way.  Therefore, I'll enjoy the pains, knowing the extravagant outcome.
So... about me... without too much about me.  I don't know you... or maybe I do.  But either way - vagueness is bliss.  Me: I'm an exceptionally happy person.  But, I think too much.  The excessive thoughts sometimes try and intimidate the joys.  Growing up, I think, is learning how to let joy (and love) win.  I live in the midwest.  To say there is a lack of visually interesting landscape is an understatement.  But the Sunshine is a benefit.  I'm in a relationship... he's great... amazing actually.  I'm convinced he's also the source of many of these growing pains.  I suppose that's to be expected.  Boys and girls are different.  I learn this in a new way every day.  There's a good chance he'll pop up in a lot of blogs... our relationship also seems to be the well from which many of my excessive thoughts spring.  We have vastly different love languages... so being with him is kind of like learning a new language: exciting, rewarding, but (at times) hard work.  The benefits are wonderful and the rewards include growing in love and learning to love.  I work at a well known coffee shop and really love my job.  It's pretty new... so it's a learning experience. I have an incredible family - I am constantly spoiled with love, encouragement and blessings from them.  Unfortunately I don't live very close to them... so visits are big treats!  I'm a college student (I started late and 24... still have 2 years left.  Wah wah).  But I love school - especially the fact that I get to be with people all day long.  I love people.
Okay... enough about me.  My first post is a small novel.  I'll be back soon with oodles of thoughts just bubbling forth.  It's a gorgeous day, I need to clean my kitchen and I definitely don't want to waste my day off (sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, 70 degrees) in front of a computer.

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